Monday, October 13, 2008

The Strongest Muscle

The tongue is most often described as the strongest muscle in the body........I would also have to take the side of it being one of the most used muscles. I can say this because every time I have a seizure, I bite mine, and I had 3 seizures last week.......biting it every single time. It is all gross and swollen and there is no skin left on the left side of it. This has made it difficult to talk (I know people are counting their blessings!), drink, eat and even things people take for granted, like spitting out your toothpaste after you brush your teeth. It has been sore for days and I've dealt with it and tried not to complain, but yesterday I had had it! I was done, I was starving to death because I had been eating the bare minimum since it was so painful, but I made a huge batch of salsa and had chicken quesadillas with it. Probably not the smartest thing to eat, but I was SO hungry, I didn't care. I ate and ate and ate until I couldn't eat anymore..............then my tongue began to bleed, so I believe I learned my lesson. I washed my mouth out with Perioxyl and I think I am near starting over again. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! But at least my belly was full for the first time in days!

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